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Getting Started With Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

This notebook serves as a starter guide or template for exploratory data analysis. It will go over the topics mentioned in the EDA guide.

# let's start off by importing the libraries we will need for eda
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 

# for visualizations : 
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The dataset we will be using in this tutorial is from Analyze Boston. Analyze Boston is the City of Boston’s data hub and is a great resource for data sets regarding the city.

We will be working with the 2022 311 Service Requests dataset. The dataset consists of service requests from all channels of engagement. 311 allows you to report non-emergency issues or request non-emergency City services.

Link to dataset

# to run in colab, run the following lines 
# from google.colab import drive
# drive.mount('/content/drive')
Mounted at /content/drive
# read in dataset
df = pd.read_csv('311-requests.csv') 
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 6)
# let's look at the first five rows of the dataset
case_enquiry_id open_dt target_dt ... latitude longitude source
0 101004116078 2022-01-04 15:34:00 NaN ... 42.3818 -71.0322 Citizens Connect App
1 101004113538 2022-01-01 13:40:13 2022-01-04 08:30:00 ... 42.3376 -71.0774 City Worker App
2 101004120888 2022-01-09 12:40:43 2022-01-11 08:30:00 ... 42.3431 -71.0683 City Worker App
3 101004120982 2022-01-09 13:56:00 NaN ... 42.3810 -71.0256 Constituent Call
4 101004127209 2022-01-15 20:42:00 2022-01-20 08:30:00 ... 42.3266 -71.0704 Constituent Call

5 rows × 29 columns

How many observations/rows are there?

How many variables/columns are there?

What kinds of variables are there? Qualitative? Quantitative? Both?

# number of observations 
# to see column name, count, and dtype of each column
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 146373 entries, 0 to 146372
Data columns (total 29 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------   -----  
 0   case_enquiry_id                 146373 non-null  int64  
 1   open_dt                         146373 non-null  object 
 2   target_dt                       129475 non-null  object 
 3   closed_dt                       125848 non-null  object 
 4   ontime                          146373 non-null  object 
 5   case_status                     146373 non-null  object 
 6   closure_reason                  146373 non-null  object 
 7   case_title                      146371 non-null  object 
 8   subject                         146373 non-null  object 
 9   reason                          146373 non-null  object 
 10  type                            146373 non-null  object 
 11  queue                           146373 non-null  object 
 12  department                      146373 non-null  object 
 13  submittedphoto                  55740 non-null   object 
 14  closedphoto                     0 non-null       float64
 15  location                        146373 non-null  object 
 16  fire_district                   146149 non-null  object 
 17  pwd_district                    146306 non-null  object 
 18  city_council_district           146358 non-null  object 
 19  police_district                 146306 non-null  object 
 20  neighborhood                    146210 non-null  object 
 21  neighborhood_services_district  146358 non-null  object 
 22  ward                            146373 non-null  object 
 23  precinct                        146270 non-null  object 
 24  location_street_name            145030 non-null  object 
 25  location_zipcode                110519 non-null  float64
 26  latitude                        146373 non-null  float64
 27  longitude                       146373 non-null  float64
 28  source                          146373 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(4), int64(1), object(24)
memory usage: 32.4+ MB

There are 146373 rows (observations).

There are 29 columns (variables).

There are both categorical and numerical variables. At quick glance there seems to be more categorical variables than numerical variables.

Categorical Variables: case_status, neighborhood, source, etc.

Numerical Variables: … maybe not?

The case_enquiry_id is a unique identifier for each row, closedphoto has 0 non-null values so it might be worth it to drop this column since there is no additional information we can gather, columns such as location_zipcode, latitude, longitude not exactly numeric varaibles, since they are numbers that represent different codes.


Let’s convert the three time variables (open_dt, target_dt, and closed_dt) from objects to pandas datetime objects. Let’s focus on service requests for a set period of time in 2022. We will start by filtering for service requests that were opened from January 2022 to March 2022.

# changing the three columns with dates and times to pandas datetime object 
df['open_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['open_dt'])
df['target_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['target_dt'])
df['closed_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['closed_dt'])

# output is long, but run the line below to check the type of the three columns 
# filter data for 311 requests from january 2022 to march 2022 
df_filtered = df.loc[(df['open_dt'] >= '2022-01-01') &
                  (df['open_dt'] < '2022-03-31')]
case_enquiry_id open_dt target_dt ... latitude longitude source
0 101004116078 2022-01-04 15:34:00 NaT ... 42.3818 -71.0322 Citizens Connect App
1 101004113538 2022-01-01 13:40:13 2022-01-04 08:30:00 ... 42.3376 -71.0774 City Worker App
2 101004120888 2022-01-09 12:40:43 2022-01-11 08:30:00 ... 42.3431 -71.0683 City Worker App
3 101004120982 2022-01-09 13:56:00 NaT ... 42.3810 -71.0256 Constituent Call
4 101004127209 2022-01-15 20:42:00 2022-01-20 08:30:00 ... 42.3266 -71.0704 Constituent Call

5 rows × 29 columns

From our previous observation, since closedphoto column does not contain any non-null values, let’s drop it.

# drop closedphoto column
df_filtered = df_filtered.drop(columns=['closedphoto'])

After filtering the service requests, let’s see how many observations we are left with.

# how many requests were opened from Jan 2022 to March 2022

From a quick preview of the dataframe, we can see that some of the requests are still open. Let’s see how many observations are open vs. closed and then how many are ontime vs. overdue from the set of requests from January 2022 to March 2022.

# checking how many open vs. closed cases
Closed    59420
Open       7100
Name: case_status, dtype: int64
# visualize case_status in pie chart, set color palette 
colors = sns.color_palette('muted')[0:5]
ax = df_filtered['case_status'].value_counts().plot.pie(colors=colors)


# checking how many ontime vs. overdue cases 
ONTIME     55089
OVERDUE    11431
Name: ontime, dtype: int64
# visualize ontime in pie chart, set color palette 
colors = sns.color_palette('bright')[0:5]
ax = df_filtered['ontime'].value_counts().plot.pie(colors=colors)


Descriptive Statistics

Pandas makes this easy! We can use describe() to get the descriptive statistics of the numerical columns.

case_enquiry_id location_zipcode latitude longitude
count 6.652000e+04 49807.000000 66520.000000 66520.000000
mean 1.010042e+11 2126.916719 42.335694 -71.075337
std 3.745629e+04 17.188931 0.032066 0.032259
min 1.010041e+11 2108.000000 42.231500 -71.185400
25% 1.010042e+11 2119.000000 42.314500 -71.087600
50% 1.010042e+11 2126.000000 42.345900 -71.062200
75% 1.010042e+11 2130.000000 42.359400 -71.058700
max 1.010042e+11 2467.000000 42.395200 -70.994900

As mentioned before, the case_enquiry_id, location_zipcode, latitude, and longitude columns are not numeric variables. The descriptive statistics are not very useful in this situation.

What would be a useful numeric variable is the duration of a request. Let’s calculate the duration of each of the requests from January 2022 to March 2022 and add it as a new column in our dataframe.

# calculating case duration and adding a new column (case_duration) to the dataframe 
duration = df_filtered['closed_dt'] - df_filtered['open_dt']
df_filtered = df_filtered.assign(case_duration=duration)
case_enquiry_id open_dt target_dt ... longitude source case_duration
0 101004116078 2022-01-04 15:34:00 NaT ... -71.0322 Citizens Connect App NaT
1 101004113538 2022-01-01 13:40:13 2022-01-04 08:30:00 ... -71.0774 City Worker App 0 days 03:42:02
2 101004120888 2022-01-09 12:40:43 2022-01-11 08:30:00 ... -71.0683 City Worker App 0 days 12:44:07
3 101004120982 2022-01-09 13:56:00 NaT ... -71.0256 Constituent Call NaT
4 101004127209 2022-01-15 20:42:00 2022-01-20 08:30:00 ... -71.0704 Constituent Call 0 days 11:36:09

5 rows × 29 columns

Now we can see the new case_duration column. Some values are NaT, which means there is a missing date. This makes sense because the case_status is OPEN.

Let’s filter out the open cases and focus on analyzing the duration of the closed cases.

# filter out the open cases
df_closed = df_filtered.loc[(df_filtered['case_status'] == "Closed")]
case_enquiry_id open_dt target_dt ... longitude source case_duration
1 101004113538 2022-01-01 13:40:13 2022-01-04 08:30:00 ... -71.0774 City Worker App 0 days 03:42:02
2 101004120888 2022-01-09 12:40:43 2022-01-11 08:30:00 ... -71.0683 City Worker App 0 days 12:44:07
4 101004127209 2022-01-15 20:42:00 2022-01-20 08:30:00 ... -71.0704 Constituent Call 0 days 11:36:09
5 101004113302 2022-01-01 00:36:24 2022-01-04 08:30:00 ... -71.0587 Citizens Connect App 1 days 23:36:53
6 101004113331 2022-01-01 03:11:23 NaT ... -71.0587 Constituent Call 3 days 05:12:07

5 rows × 29 columns

With the closed cases, let’s calculate the descriptive statistics of the new case_duration column.

# let's calculate the descriptive statistics again 
# using double brackets to display in a *fancy* table format
count 59420
mean 4 days 12:09:14.466526422
std 15 days 09:54:44.441079417
min 0 days 00:00:04
25% 0 days 01:26:54.750000
50% 0 days 09:01:45
75% 1 days 15:40:08.250000
max 181 days 14:24:23

From the table, we can see that the average case duration is ~4.5 days.
The standard deviation for the case duration is ~15.4 days.
The minimum time a case takes to close is 4 minutes.
The maximum time a case takes to close is ~181.6 days.
The inter-quartile range (IQR) is the difference between the 25% and 75% quantiles.

We can also calculate the mode and median.

0   0 days 00:00:54
1   0 days 00:00:57
2   0 days 00:01:03
Name: case_duration, dtype: timedelta64[ns]
Timedelta('0 days 09:01:45')

The descriptive statistics summary in table form is nice, but it would be nice to visualize the data in a histogram. Simply trying to plot using the values in the case_duration column will case an error.

Currently, the values in case_duration are of type timedelta64[ns], df_closed['case_duration'] is a Timedelta Series. We will need to apply what is called a frequency conversion to the values.

“Timedelta Series, TimedeltaIndex, and Timedelta scalars can be converted to other ‘frequences’ by dividing by another timedelta, or by astyping to a specific timedelta type.” (See the link below for more information and code examples!)

# dividing the case_duration values by Timedelta of 1 day 
duration_days = ( df_closed['case_duration'] / pd.Timedelta(days=1))

# adding calculation to dataframe under duration_in_days column 
df_closed = df_closed.assign(duration_in_days=duration_days)

# display descriptive statistics summary with new column addition 
count 59420.000000
mean 4.506417
std 15.413014
min 0.000046
25% 0.060356
50% 0.376215
75% 1.652873
max 181.600266
# using seaborn library for visualizations 
sns.set_theme() # use this if you dont want the visualizations to be default matplotlibstyle
sns.displot(df_closed, x="duration_in_days", binwidth=1)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16ae584c0>


From the plot above, the data seems to be skewed right meaning the right tail is much longer than the left. Let’s try playing with different bin widths.

# trying different bin sizes 
sns.displot(df_closed, x="duration_in_days", binwidth=5)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16b031790>


# trying different bin sizes
sns.displot(df_closed, x="duration_in_days", binwidth=25)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16b06b340>


Since the data is heavily skewed, let’s apply log transformation to the data. The log transformation will hopefully reduce or remove the skewness of the original data. The assumption is that the original data follows a log-normal distribution.

# log-scale transformation since the data is heavliy skewed 
# add bin_width parameter to change bin sizes
sns.displot(df_closed, x="duration_in_days", log_scale=True)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16b5577f0>


Which neighborhoods had the most requests from January 2022 - March 2022?

To answer this question, we will take a look at the neighborhood column.

# has 25 unique values so a pie chart probably is not the best option
# plot neighborhood counts 
sns.countplot(x="neighborhood", data=df_closed).set_title('Number of Requests by Neighborhood')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Requests by Neighborhood')


Yikes! The x-axis labels are pretty hard to read. Let’s fix that by plotting the bars horizontally.

# fixing orientation of the labels 
sns.countplot(y="neighborhood", data=df_closed).set_title('Number of Requests by Neighborhood')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Requests by Neighborhood')


From the plot we can see that Dorchester has the most requests, followed by South Boston/South Boston Waterfront, then Roxbury. There’s a bar that doesn’t have a name…that’s strange. Let’s display the exact counts for each neighborhood.

# displaying number of requests by neighborhood in table form 
Dorchester                                      9148
South Boston / South Boston Waterfront          5608
Roxbury                                         5097
East Boston                                     4420
Allston / Brighton                              3945
Jamaica Plain                                   3696
South End                                       3666
Downtown / Financial District                   3419
Back Bay                                        2740
Greater Mattapan                                2429
Hyde Park                                       2308
Charlestown                                     2096
Roslindale                                      2083
Boston                                          1803
West Roxbury                                    1698
Beacon Hill                                     1595
Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood    1034
Mission Hill                                     990
South Boston                                     600
Brighton                                         293
Allston                                          141
Mattapan                                          72
Chestnut Hill                                      4
Name: neighborhood, dtype: int64

There are 476 requests without a neighborhood label.

# uncomment and run the line below to check for the empty neighborhood label 
# print(df_closed['neighborhood'].unique())

# gather the rows where neighborhood == ' ' 
df_no_neighborhood = df_closed.loc[(df_closed['neighborhood'] == ' ')]
df_no_neighborhood.head(15) # display first 15 rows
case_enquiry_id open_dt target_dt ... source case_duration duration_in_days
163 101004115729 2022-01-04 11:11:00 2022-02-03 11:11:34 ... Constituent Call 0 days 22:32:58 0.939560
207 101004117130 2022-01-05 14:25:00 2022-01-14 14:25:51 ... Constituent Call 35 days 20:34:15 35.857118
301 101004118921 2022-01-07 12:55:08 NaT ... Constituent Call 2 days 20:25:31 2.851053
640 101004123032 2022-01-11 14:00:00 2022-01-25 14:00:53 ... Constituent Call 0 days 22:37:49 0.942928
882 101004121696 2022-01-10 10:35:00 2022-01-17 10:35:33 ... Employee Generated 0 days 00:31:04 0.021574
1280 101004141822 2022-01-20 12:49:51 2022-01-31 12:49:51 ... Self Service 0 days 21:40:40 0.903241
1509 101004129011 2022-01-18 09:11:00 2022-02-01 09:11:09 ... Constituent Call 0 days 01:11:18 0.049514
1574 101004144874 2022-01-24 09:32:51 2022-02-07 09:32:51 ... Constituent Call 0 days 00:22:13 0.015428
1612 101004146190 2022-01-25 12:48:25 2022-02-08 12:48:25 ... Constituent Call 0 days 03:36:25 0.150289
1777 101004145555 2022-01-24 18:24:00 2022-02-03 08:30:00 ... Constituent Call 15 days 15:08:31 15.630914
2433 101004115813 2022-01-04 12:06:54 2022-01-06 12:07:26 ... Constituent Call 0 days 02:50:24 0.118333
2489 101004116451 2022-01-05 02:15:02 2022-01-12 08:30:00 ... Constituent Call 0 days 05:25:57 0.226354
2521 101004155729 2022-01-31 12:20:00 2022-02-07 12:21:11 ... Employee Generated 0 days 02:28:06 0.102847
2677 101004156474 2022-01-31 15:32:00 2022-02-14 15:32:53 ... Constituent Call 3 days 02:58:57 3.124271
2687 101004156811 2022-01-31 16:48:07 2022-02-14 16:48:07 ... Constituent Call 0 days 00:03:00 0.002083

15 rows × 30 columns


The latitude and longitude values are the same for all of the rows without a neighborhood value. We can use the Geopy module to convert the latitude and longitude coordinates to a place or location address - also referred to as reverse geocoding.

# import geopy 
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim 

# make a Nominatim object and initialize, specify a user_agent 
# Nominatim requires this value to be set to your application name, to be able to limit the number of requests per application
# Nominatim is a free service but provides low request limits:
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="eda_geotest")

# set latitude and longitude and convert to string 
lat = str(df_no_neighborhood['latitude'].unique()[0])
long = str(df_no_neighborhood['longitude'].unique()[0])

# get the location information
location = geolocator.reverse(lat + "," +long)

# display location information, add .raw for more details
{'place_id': 264213803, 'licence': 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.', 'osm_type': 'way', 'osm_id': 816277585, 'lat': '42.3594696', 'lon': '-71.05880376899256', 'display_name': "Sears' Crescent and Sears' Block Building, Franklin Avenue, Downtown Crossing, Downtown Boston, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, 02201, United States", 'address': {'building': "Sears' Crescent and Sears' Block Building", 'road': 'Franklin Avenue', 'neighbourhood': 'Downtown Crossing', 'suburb': 'Downtown Boston', 'city': 'Boston', 'county': 'Suffolk County', 'state': 'Massachusetts', 'ISO3166-2-lvl4': 'US-MA', 'postcode': '02201', 'country': 'United States', 'country_code': 'us'}, 'boundingbox': ['42.3593149', '42.3596061', '-71.0592779', '-71.0584887']}

Quick Google Maps search of the location confirms that (42.3594, -71.0587) is Government Center. The output from geopy is Sear’s Crescent and Sears’ Block which are a pair of buildings adjacent to City Hall and City Hall Plaza, Government Center.

Another quick look at the output from geopy shows that the lat and lon values are similar but different from the latitude and longitude values in the dataset.

The requests without a neighborhood value have a general location of Government Center. At least we can confirm that requests without a neighborhood value are not outside of Boston or erroneous.

During January 2022 - March 2022, where did the most case requests come from?

To answer this question, we will take a look at the source column.

# has only 5 unique values so in this case we can use a pie chart 
# displaying the number of requests by each source type 
Citizens Connect App    32066
Constituent Call        21051
City Worker App          3795
Self Service             1632
Employee Generated        876
Name: source, dtype: int64
# visualizing the breakdown of where case requests come from 
# seaborn doesn't have a default pie chart but you can add seaborn color palettes to matplotlib plots

colors = sns.color_palette('pastel')[0:5]
ax = df_closed['source'].value_counts().plot.pie(colors=colors)


# label each slice with the percentage of requests per source 
ax = df_closed['source'].value_counts().plot.pie(colors=colors,autopct='%1.1f%%')

# run the following to remove the default column name label *source*


From the pie chart, 54% of the requests from January 2022 - March 2022 came from the Citizens Connect App, 35.4% came from a Constituent Call, followed by 6.4% from the City Worker App.

How many different types of requests were there from January 2022 - March 2022?

To answer this question, we will take a look at the reason column.

# how many different reasons are there 
# number of requests by reason 
Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles     14908
Code Enforcement                     10437
Street Cleaning                       8477
Sanitation                            5993
Highway Maintenance                   5032
Signs & Signals                       2202
Street Lights                         1774
Recycling                             1690
Housing                               1529
Needle Program                        1298
Building                              1293
Park Maintenance & Safety             1001
Trees                                  762
Animal Issues                          580
Environmental Services                 560
Employee & General Comments            366
Health                                 344
Graffiti                               297
Administrative & General Requests      261
Notification                           141
Traffic Management & Engineering       113
Abandoned Bicycle                      108
Sidewalk Cover / Manhole                53
Catchbasin                              40
Fire Hydrant                            26
Noise Disturbance                       24
Programs                                23
Pothole                                 22
Air Pollution Control                   13
Operations                              11
Neighborhood Services Issues             9
Weights and Measures                     8
Cemetery                                 7
Generic Noise Disturbance                7
Parking Complaints                       5
Fire Department                          3
Office of The Parking Clerk              2
Billing                                  1
Name: reason, dtype: int64

There were 38 different types of requests from January 2022 - March 2022, the top three with most requests being Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles with 14,908 requests, Code Enforcement with 10,437 requests, then Street Cleaning with 8,477 requests.

# top case request reason by neighborhood 
count unique top freq
476 17 Employee & General Comments 278
Allston 141 17 Code Enforcement 29
Allston / Brighton 3945 31 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 1065
Back Bay 2740 29 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 678
Beacon Hill 1595 23 Street Cleaning 467
Boston 1803 30 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 378
Brighton 293 21 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 64
Charlestown 2096 27 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 766
Chestnut Hill 4 3 Health 2
Dorchester 9148 32 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 2195
Downtown / Financial District 3419 28 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 807
East Boston 4420 27 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 1935
Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood 1034 28 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 202
Greater Mattapan 2429 27 Sanitation 546
Hyde Park 2308 28 Sanitation 431
Jamaica Plain 3696 28 Code Enforcement 819
Mattapan 72 16 Street Cleaning 19
Mission Hill 990 25 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 208
Roslindale 2083 30 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 387
Roxbury 5097 30 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 1019
South Boston 600 19 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 243
South Boston / South Boston Waterfront 5608 27 Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 2530
South End 3666 27 Code Enforcement 775
West Roxbury 1698 24 Sanitation 450
# get counts for each request reason by neighborhood 
reason_by_neighborhood = df_closed.groupby(['neighborhood', 'reason'])['duration_in_days'].describe()[['count']]
neighborhood reason
Cemetery 7.0
Code Enforcement 9.0
Employee & General Comments 278.0
Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 17.0
Environmental Services 3.0
... ... ...
West Roxbury Signs & Signals 95.0
Street Cleaning 159.0
Street Lights 50.0
Traffic Management & Engineering 4.0
Trees 72.0

594 rows × 1 columns

# run this cell to write the reason by neighborhood to a csv to see all rows of data 
# let's take a look at the South End neighborhood specifically 
south_end_df = df_closed.loc[(df_closed['neighborhood'] == 'South End')]
Abandoned Bicycle 8.0
Administrative & General Requests 10.0
Air Pollution Control 4.0
Animal Issues 16.0
Building 52.0
Code Enforcement 775.0
Employee & General Comments 1.0
Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 712.0
Environmental Services 48.0
Fire Hydrant 2.0
Graffiti 55.0
Health 8.0
Highway Maintenance 360.0
Housing 40.0
Needle Program 269.0
Neighborhood Services Issues 1.0
Noise Disturbance 2.0
Notification 2.0
Park Maintenance & Safety 73.0
Recycling 29.0
Sanitation 242.0
Sidewalk Cover / Manhole 1.0
Signs & Signals 76.0
Street Cleaning 717.0
Street Lights 118.0
Traffic Management & Engineering 7.0
Trees 38.0

What types of cases typically take the longest to resolve?

To answer this question, let’s take a look at the duration_in_days and reason columns.

# what types of cases typically take the longest 
# case_duration by reason 

sns.catplot(x="reason", y="duration_in_days", kind="box", data=df_closed,)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16ba4bf10>


# The chart is kind of difficult to read... 
# Let's fix the size of the chart and flip the labels on the x-axis 

sns.catplot(y="reason", x="duration_in_days", kind="box", data=df_closed,
            height = 8, aspect = 1.25)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16bfc04c0>


Box plots display the five-number-summary, which includes: the minimum, the maximum, the sample median, and the first and third quartiles.

The box plot shows the distribution duration_in_days in a way that allows comparisions between case reasons. Box plots show the distribution of a numerical variable broken down by a categorical variable.

The box shows the quartiles of the duration_in_days and the whiskers extend to show the rest of the distribution (minimum and maximum). Points that are shown outside of the whiskers are determined to be outliers. The line inside the box is the median.

# descriptive statistics for duration_in_days by case reason 
# box plot in table form 
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Abandoned Bicycle 108.0 15.100783 30.637974 0.005799 0.610787 1.154815 5.827731 129.944907
Administrative & General Requests 261.0 3.812869 13.899890 0.000081 0.114005 0.781192 1.984132 129.670035
Air Pollution Control 13.0 8.872239 10.842552 0.001528 1.787616 1.790822 13.153194 30.967199
Animal Issues 580.0 0.904125 1.086867 0.000127 0.075793 0.705457 1.238536 11.121447
Billing 1.0 0.009178 NaN 0.009178 0.009178 0.009178 0.009178 0.009178
Building 1293.0 8.183306 16.727784 0.000046 0.642755 2.649641 8.094919 167.316273
Catchbasin 40.0 6.295217 10.713959 0.000174 0.946927 2.444572 7.476412 61.852523
Cemetery 7.0 33.686310 52.072679 0.000127 0.113744 0.594907 48.409045 138.163553
Code Enforcement 10437.0 0.646142 3.440879 0.000069 0.054375 0.234653 0.752095 146.231354
Employee & General Comments 366.0 3.045888 11.407637 0.000243 0.050307 0.607309 1.707879 104.725579
Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles 14908.0 4.326244 17.119537 0.000058 0.057263 0.177986 0.620069 168.863750
Environmental Services 560.0 1.750664 3.612940 0.000069 0.500052 0.870752 1.994499 57.933796
Fire Department 3.0 0.598248 0.542678 0.001887 0.365845 0.729803 0.896429 1.063056
Fire Hydrant 26.0 4.028460 2.648591 0.000914 2.174317 3.593819 5.515179 10.837072
Generic Noise Disturbance 7.0 0.809901 1.071081 0.000498 0.010162 0.476505 1.120243 2.931493
Graffiti 297.0 60.795557 44.483313 0.000278 16.802164 58.580428 95.905475 173.824433
Health 344.0 1.524580 3.127143 0.000058 0.143215 0.894028 1.253898 39.648924
Highway Maintenance 5032.0 4.621423 14.838073 0.000081 0.070668 0.775781 2.315587 176.714560
Housing 1529.0 7.676885 14.967539 0.000058 0.692222 2.935729 8.104514 158.114988
Needle Program 1298.0 0.079918 0.243719 0.000081 0.017248 0.029554 0.053157 7.152766
Neighborhood Services Issues 9.0 31.791151 31.721388 4.324954 12.663229 24.884931 32.983403 109.890347
Noise Disturbance 24.0 0.909435 1.072071 0.000104 0.005830 0.614433 1.358082 3.525995
Notification 141.0 19.565133 20.603048 0.000544 1.802569 7.719329 38.391088 64.423113
Office of The Parking Clerk 2.0 2.440463 2.261498 0.841343 1.640903 2.440463 3.240023 4.039583
Operations 11.0 4.725810 5.460231 0.000266 0.697992 2.894306 7.657731 15.175023
Park Maintenance & Safety 1001.0 10.480097 21.813287 0.000347 0.710787 1.846771 6.700729 144.606782
Parking Complaints 5.0 3.200009 4.912111 0.387477 0.388090 0.889826 2.483206 11.851447
Pothole 22.0 3.910974 3.141983 0.001771 1.924826 3.009109 5.652931 14.102245
Programs 23.0 0.658821 1.055246 0.000336 0.001233 0.056863 0.813414 3.142951
Recycling 1690.0 12.245377 9.035924 0.000081 6.856282 12.930035 16.928313 132.917153
Sanitation 5993.0 2.403129 3.185305 0.000058 0.260671 0.979294 3.836354 98.852222
Sidewalk Cover / Manhole 53.0 4.735583 8.858981 0.000127 0.358148 2.873461 5.035451 58.847674
Signs & Signals 2202.0 6.620529 14.839239 0.000185 0.143718 1.167795 5.073134 140.114028
Street Cleaning 8477.0 1.082891 6.127272 0.000046 0.037975 0.100706 0.605370 109.824236
Street Lights 1774.0 18.585520 32.664829 0.000104 0.148079 1.984855 20.707622 181.600266
Traffic Management & Engineering 113.0 11.388050 25.003672 0.000729 0.085231 0.842176 6.080509 125.919988
Trees 762.0 25.210341 41.285189 0.000139 0.018481 0.804022 39.169418 163.697106
Weights and Measures 8.0 0.985169 0.558955 0.107234 0.741134 0.900399 1.207185 1.808912

Graffiti cases take on average take the longests time to resolve, 60.796 days.

Do cases typically take longer in one neighborhood over another?

# do cases typically take longer in one neighborhood over another?

sns.catplot(y="neighborhood", x="duration_in_days", kind="box", data=df_closed,
            height = 8, aspect = 1.25)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16c38f880>


The box plot above shows several outliers for each category (neighborhood) making it difficult to read and quite overwhelming.

Let’s display the information in table form.

# in table form 
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
476.0 4.178610 13.672122 0.000127 0.058209 0.705318 2.208099 138.163553
Allston 141.0 3.947410 9.929540 0.000058 0.134988 0.873414 2.763426 63.832847
Allston / Brighton 3945.0 4.622345 14.786827 0.000185 0.075984 0.511424 1.995000 161.749630
Back Bay 2740.0 4.900469 16.733563 0.000197 0.043553 0.215110 1.172946 166.873588
Beacon Hill 1595.0 2.485273 10.776832 0.000301 0.042506 0.167801 0.863617 136.561204
Boston 1803.0 5.152869 17.959729 0.000046 0.041944 0.345833 1.555781 156.934120
Brighton 293.0 5.162394 14.575959 0.000266 0.078623 0.547211 2.031343 126.706586
Charlestown 2096.0 4.147373 14.840357 0.000081 0.067653 0.278171 1.162135 139.983704
Chestnut Hill 4.0 19.075249 30.039288 0.148611 0.185148 6.448744 25.338845 63.254896
Dorchester 9148.0 3.956899 12.579649 0.000046 0.068087 0.515260 1.883400 156.208553
Downtown / Financial District 3419.0 3.475034 13.957725 0.000231 0.050648 0.234988 0.973443 176.714560
East Boston 4420.0 2.777781 10.877246 0.000058 0.037833 0.181094 0.902786 150.815174
Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood 1034.0 7.722932 19.772496 0.000150 0.101777 0.636291 2.556918 165.773264
Greater Mattapan 2429.0 4.807563 14.036534 0.000104 0.084375 0.678646 2.818472 158.114988
Hyde Park 2308.0 6.664146 16.259478 0.000127 0.081476 0.747078 5.331976 157.788715
Jamaica Plain 3696.0 6.216330 18.281044 0.000104 0.081823 0.569161 2.147717 148.726493
Mattapan 72.0 3.742091 11.557064 0.000069 0.071858 0.725631 2.012494 74.130579
Mission Hill 990.0 5.582632 18.433571 0.000081 0.055107 0.281186 1.690460 137.808854
Roslindale 2083.0 7.048947 21.030090 0.000289 0.109369 0.714190 2.658108 173.824433
Roxbury 5097.0 5.020254 17.307327 0.000069 0.070324 0.495382 1.817338 161.948993
South Boston 600.0 3.175501 14.327518 0.000058 0.055269 0.228287 1.015081 159.967488
South Boston / South Boston Waterfront 5608.0 3.160470 14.300232 0.000150 0.051296 0.181863 0.827731 181.600266
South End 3666.0 4.225789 16.643360 0.000243 0.043921 0.187778 0.967399 167.869965
West Roxbury 1698.0 6.004628 17.783995 0.000081 0.106288 0.787685 3.035735 161.054688

In January 2022 - March 2022, cases took the longest in Chestnut Hill. Cases typically lasted on average 19.075 days but there were only 4 cases located in Chestnut Hill during this time. Smaller sample sizes could mean more variability (look at standard deviation to explain the spread of observations).

We can further look at the population of Chestnut Hill versus the other neighborhoods to try and make sense of this low case count. Additionally, we can broaden the time period of the cases to see if Chestnut Hill still has a low case count.

From the table above we can see how long cases take by each neighborhood, it would be interesting to further breakdown by case reason for each neighborhood.

Wrap Up, Next Steps

Further analysis could be done using the 311 dataset. Using the 311 data from previous years, we can see how number of requests have changed over the years, or how case duration may have changed over the years.

Since most requests have latitude and longitude coordinates it could be interesting to plot each case request on a map to see if there are clusters of requests in certain locations.

Next steps could include gathering demographic data to overlay on top of the 311 dataset for further analysis. Another possible next step would be to build a model to predict how long a request could take given the request reason, subject, location, source, etc.

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